Suddenly there was a demographic and linguistic explosion at my home: 3 babies in less than 2 years, learning to speak 4 languages at the same time - "yes, they can!". With my keen interest in the cognitive development and language acquisition of children, together with fun play and diversified social interactions, I found myself running an informal Mini-KiTa at home. Other children joined us daily, so that friends commented: "This looks like a Kindergarden!".
Once all of my 3 were at school, I finally had the time to expand my "Mini KiTa" into a small KiTa and make it official: Headstart was born in 2012.
It is intended to be an extension of the home environment, as much as possible- not a factory of Kids! Staying small enables us to care for the children giving them as much personalized attention as full time parents give to their own children- actually even more, as we are many educators: : when one of us is cooking/cleaning/etc, the other educators are always giving attention to the children.
It also allows us to remain flexible, adapting our activities to the needs of the children (and parents), at any given moment.
Our goal is to provide the children in our care with an optimum environment, in which they can grow, develop, and establish the crucial emotional, physical, social, multi-linguistic and cognitive structures, so that when they enter formal education (Kindergarten, school) they have a head start!
It is so rewarding to hear parents recognizing and appreciating that, sometimes even years after their children left us!