Food Concept
The first 3 years in a person's life are the most important ones, often determining their subsequent development- also in terms of nutrition. At Headstart we offer a well balanced, freshly cooked varied menu, we eat together with the children and thus we actively encourage the children to eat everything- especially all things green... many children who didn't touch vegetables at home, find themselves enjoying eating them with the other children. It works! We also pay close attention to table manners and teach them by example.
We offer a variety of fruit (sometimes fresh vegetables, too) for snacks (Z'nuni, Z’vieri), with bread and cheese, honey, etc.
For lunch, we follow a weekly pattern, from Monday to Friday:
One day we serve meat, another day fish, another eggs, another pulse (a vegetable source of protein, like beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc) and another just vegetables (maybe with cheese, a gratin, or so). We alternate the staple carbohydrates: rice, pasta, potatoes, couscous, bread, tortillas, etc to allow for variety; there is always at least one side dish of vegetables, and we offer fruit and yoghurt daily, as desert- after the children have cleared their plate...
As we are a multicultural team, we contribute recipes from different cuisines: Mediterranean, Asian, Swiss, Italian, Turkish, middle-eastern, south American/Mexican, etc. Of course we respect parents wishes, eg: no pork, no beef, no meat, no problem!
The following are some examples of our menu:
07:00 – 08:00
Muesli, bread, cheese, yoghurt, milk
Morning Snack
09:00 – 09:30
11:30 – 12:30
meat/fish/eggs, pulse + rice, pasta, potatoes, couscous + veggies or salad
Afternoon Snack
16:00 – 16:30
Fruits, fresh vegetables, bread with cheese, honey, confiture