Schedules and Prices


We have a very flexible weekly model with different price levels

Choose the period of the week you need support and you can see the prices, additional costs may apply as explained below

 Opening Hours and Prices

The regular opening hours are Monday to Friday from 06:45 to 18:00, with the exception of public holidays.



Morning:       06:45 to 12:30

Afternoon:   13:00 to 18:00

Lunch:          11:30 to 13:00



Monthly rate                                                       Price per child per month

1 half day / week in CHF                                                           300

2 half days = 1 Full day/ “in CHF                                             500

3 half days/ “in CHF                                                                     700

4 half days = 2 Full days/ “in CHF                                            900

5 half days/  “in CHF                                                                  1100

6 half days = 3 Full days/ “in CHF                                          1300

7 half days/ “in CHF                                                                   1500

8 half days = 4 Full days/ “in CHF                                          1700

9 half days/ “in CHF                                                                   1900

10 half days = 5 Full days/ “in CHF 2100



(Table manners are an important curriculum component) in CHF    10

Additional hours in CHF                                                                                      20

Additional hours before 06:45 and after 18:00 in CHF                         50


Admission fee for day care is 250 CHF, refundable in the second month.

Enrolment fee 50 CHF – non-refundable.

Special materials, entrance fees, travel expenses, etc. are not included and will be billed separately.


Language and/or Enrichment lessons:

Group lessons

3 – 6 students               2 hours 10 weeks CHF 500

2 students                      1 hour 10 weeks   CHF 350

2 students                      2 hours 10 weeks CHF 600


Private lessons

per student                    1 hour 10 weeks   CHF 500